Psychological injury can result from a number of sources, including sex assault or bullying at school or work.
Non-consensual sexual contact, in any form, is abusive and illegal. Those who commit these types of crimes have no regard for the lives that are damaged. These criminals often use:
- Physical violence
- Threats of violence
- Psychological manipulation
- Intimidation
For victims of sex assault, the hardest part is often reaching out for help. It can take years before some victims can bring themselves to report the crime and even longer to seek help.
Many are surprised that sex assault or abuse can include:
- Forced sexual acts that don’t include penetration
- Non-consensual sex with one’s spouse
- Inappropriate touching
Even when assault cases have worked their way through the criminal courts, many victims are not aware that they may also be able to sue the individuals and institutions responsible for causing the abuse or allowing it to happen. For many, the civil lawsuit is more empowering than the criminal process—it’s an opportunity to break their silence and regain their sense of control.
In recent years, our legal system has gained a deeper understanding of why there’s often an extended period of time between the assault and the victim’s decision to step forward. As a result, new rules empower victims to seek justice even after many years have passed since the assault.
If you are the victim of a sexual assault, the types of compensation available to you may include but are not limited to:
- compensation for your pain and suffering
- compensation for your loss of income, past and future
- compensation for costs of rehabilitation, such as counselling
At Kagan Law Firm, we understand the strength, courage and support that victims of sex assault need to seek justice. Our legal advocates offer compassion and patience when working with assault victims. We work hard to build the relationship of trust necessary for victims to move forward. We know that the violation and sense of loss can be overwhelming. Our job includes providing support and empowerment with a view to helping our clients maximize recovery. Let us help you take the next steps.